
External Affairs Division

USG Chancellor Launches Three Efforts to Change Higher Education in Georgia

Atlanta — September 14, 2011

Since Hank Huckaby began his work on July 1 as the University System of Georgia鈥檚 (USG) chancellor, in meetings statewide he has signaled his intent to make changes to the public higher education model in Georgia.

Today he made a down payment with his announcement of three new initiatives. One will determine if the potential exists to consolidate any institutions. The remaining two initiatives change how the University System plans and constructs campus buildings.

鈥淭he board is here to help and support you. It is high time to look at some of these critical issues; it won’t be easy, but we will support you,鈥 said Board of Regents (BOR) chair, Benjamin Tarbutton, III, who endorsed and applauded the intent of Chancellor Huckaby鈥檚 plans.

In remarks today to the System鈥檚 governing Board of Regents, Huckaby said it is clear from his meetings with legislators, business leaders and others that today is a new era in which the good stewardship of state resources means fundamental changes in how the University System operates. 鈥淭his is why I have stressed the need to focus on performance: how well we use our resources to educate students and encourage faculty,鈥 he said.

Therefore, Huckaby announced plans to look at the System鈥檚 35 campuses to assess if any campus consolidations can better control costs while meeting the System鈥檚 teaching, research and service missions.

鈥淚 believe it is time for the system to study if campus consolidations are justified and will enhance our ability to serve the people of Georgia at less cost,鈥 Huckaby said. 鈥淲e in the university system should be the first to ask questions of ourselves to make sure we are serving the State in the best way.鈥

The System has 35 degree-granting institutions, including four research universities and 15 four-year colleges and universities offering a range of undergraduate and graduate degrees. There are 14 state colleges, which while they have a primary two-year mission to provide broad access for students, also are authorized by the regents to offer limited bachelor degree programs, and two, two-year colleges, offering associate degree programs only.

Huckaby said he recognizes that a consolidation study is a significant step for the System with the potential for far-reaching changes. He promised a deliberate and objective review with substantial input and said that no plans have been made for specific institutional consolidation. 鈥淥ur task at this point is to develop the evaluative criteria and processes to be used in identifying any potential consolidations,鈥 he said.

The other two initiatives the chancellor announced relate to the System鈥檚 process for identifying and constructing facilities on the campuses. Currently, the USG owns more than 3,100 buildings totaling more than 66 million square feet, valued at more than $10.5 billion.

One initiative will be a study of how space in the USG is utilized. 鈥淲e need to determine what we have, how well we use it, and what else we need,鈥 Huckaby said.

In the future, Huckaby said, campuses will be required to work closely with the chancellor鈥檚 office as they develop proposals for new programs and facilities and should consider all alternatives before sending a building request to the System office. 鈥淲e must carefully balance the need to construct new facilities with the need to rehabilitate, modernize and maintain existing facilities,鈥 he said.

The third initiative deals with the design of buildings by requiring architects to meet with the chancellor鈥檚 senior staff and the System Facilities Office before any design work is undertaken to 鈥渆nsure that we all share the same philosophy about a building鈥檚 character, its functionality, and the materials used in it,鈥 said Huckaby.

In setting the context for these three initiatives, Huckaby said that the contemporary higher education model is a product of the exploding demand experienced after World War II and subsequent generations of baby boomers.

鈥淥ur predecessors met those challenges with a growth formula: build the buildings, add the faculty, initiate new academic programs, enroll the students 鈥 and do it as fast as possible,鈥 Huckaby said. 鈥淭oday is different. While we as a System continue to grow along with the state, the political climate, the economic realities and the budget constraints mean that the 鈥榦ld growth equals rewards鈥 model no longer works as well. Not only has the climate changed, but so have societal needs and citizen expectations. We seek change to improve our performance and our outcomes. Everything we do is geared toward improving higher education and creating a more highly educated Georgia.鈥

Regent Robert Hatcher also expressed his support, 鈥淭hese are tough economic times in this country,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hese initiatives will be a huge help to find additional ways to put dollars in the classrooms鈥

In offering his commendations to the chancellor Regent Larry Walker said, 鈥淚t is an exciting time to be a regent.鈥

For the full text of Chancellor Huckaby鈥檚 remarks, please see:

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