Real Estate and Facilities

Building Project and Procedures Manual

3-1 Qualification Based Selections, Contracts, and Invoices

NOTE: For Projects Within Campus' Delegated Authority

General Note: Lists of activities required to complete a task are example activities only. These lists are not exhaustive. It is the responsibility of all parties to determine all necessary steps required to complete any given activity.


A. Direct Appointment Method
For Professional Fees Up To $75,000

1 Prepare project scope and budget.
2 Discuss project scope and construction cost limitation (CCL) with selected consultant.
3 Solicit fee proposal. Provide fee proposal.
4 Prepare, award and forward contract to consultant. BOR Contracts Sign and return contract to campus for final execution.
5 Sign and forward copy of executed contract to consultant.

B. Abbreviated Selection Method
For Professional Consultant fees that are over $75,000 and do not exceed $300,000

1 Prepare project scope and budget.
2 Campus compiles list of 3-5 consultants for consideration. See BPPM App. 3C: Guidelines for selection of Design Professionals
3 Provide project scope and construction cost limitation to consultants. (CCL)
4 (BOR forward Sample - consultant interview letters on BOR 'S' Drive for use upon campus request.) Send consultant interview letters to selected consultants notifying them of mandatory site visit, interview dates, fee, etc. Respond to interview notification letter with requested materials within the prescribed time schedule.
5 Organize and host mandatory site visit. Attend mandatory site visit.
6 (See BPPM App. 3D: Final Evaluation Summary Sheet) Conduct interviews. Attend interview.
7 Select and notify professional consultant and solicit fee proposal.
8 Prepare and award contract to consultant. BOR Contracts Sign and return contract to campus for final execution.

C. Basic Method
Professional Consulting Fees above $300,000.

1 Prepare project scope and budget.
2 (BOR forward latest Sample of RFQ/RFP Template on BOR 'S' Drive for use upon campus request) Prepare RFQ/RFP and advertise for consultant services on the Respond to advertisement by submitting the materials requested.
3 Conduct short-list meeting. Select 3 to 5 consultants to interview. See BPPM App. 3C: Guidelines for Selection of Design Professionals
4 (BOR forward Sample - consultant Interview Letters on BOR 'S' Drive for use upon campus request.) Send consultant interview letters to selected consultants notifying them of site visit, interview dates, fee, etc. See App. 3 . Respond to interview notification letter with requested materials within the prescribed time schedule.
5 Organize and host mandatory site visits. Attend mandatory site visit.
6 (BOR forward Sample - consultant Selection Score Sheet on BOR 'S' Drive for use upon campus request.) Convene selection committee to conduct interviews and make final selection. (See Sample- consultant Selection Score Sheet on BOR 'S' Drive) Attend interview.
7 Select and Notify Professional Consultant.
8 Prepare and award contract to consultant. BOR Contracts Sign and return contract to campus for final execution.

NOTE: The contract forms referenced in this manual are the only forms approved by the state Attorney General's office for use on any campus projects, including projects within the delegated authority of the campus.

NOTE: For Projects Above Campus' Delegated Authority

General Note: Lists of activities required to complete a task are example activities only. These lists are not exhaustive. It is the responsibility of all parties to determine all necessary steps required to complete any given activity.


A. Direct Appointment Method
For Professional Fees Up To $75,000

1 Prepare project scope and budget.
2 Submit a list of 3-5 recommended consultants in rank order for approval by Vice Chancellor.
3 Vice Chancellor approves recommended consultant and notifies campus and consultant.
4 Discuss project scope and construction cost limitation (CCL) with selected consultant.
5 Solicit fee proposal. Provide fee proposal.
6 Prepare, award and forward contract to consultant. Sign and forward contract to campus for signature.
7 Sign and forward contract to BOR for final execution.
8 Execute contract and forward copies to campus and consultant.

B. Abbreviated Selection Method
For Professional Consultant fees that are over $75,000 and do not exceed $300,000

1 Prepare project scope and budget.
2 Discuss project and fees with campus. Discuss project scope, budget, and fees with BOR PM.
3 Campus compiles list of 3-5 consultants in conjunction with BOR for approval by Vice Chancellor. See BPPM App. 3C
4 Vice Chancellor approves recommended list. BOR notifies campus.
5 Coordinate with campus to determine site visits and interview dates. Coordinate with professional consultant to confirm site visits and interview dates.
6 Send letters to selected consultants notifying them of project scope and construction cost limitation (CCL), mandatory site visit, interview dates, fee, etc. (See Sample- consultant Interview Letter on S Drive)
7 Respond to interview notification letter with requested materials within the prescribed time schedule.
8 Organize and host mandatory site visit. Attend site visit.
9 Conduct interviews. Attend interview. Attend interview.
10 Select and notify consultants via email of selection results and Post to BOR website. Solicit fee proposal from selected consultant if applicable. See Consult BOR website for confirmation of selection results and submit fee proposal as applicable. See
11 Prepare, award and forward contract to consultant. Sign and forward contract to campus for signature.
12 Sign and forward contract to BOR for final execution.
13 Execute contract and forward copies to campus and consultant.

C. Basic Method
Professional Consulting Fees above $300,000.

1 Prepare project scope and budget and coordinate with BOR PM.
2 Prepare and advertise for consultant services on the . Respond to advertisement by submitting the materials requested.
3 Conduct shortlist meeting. Select 3 to 5 consultants to interview. (See Sample-consultant Shortlisting Score Sheet on BOR 'S' Drive) Participate with BOR PM in shortlist meeting.
4 Post shortlist results on website and notify consultants of QBS results. Check website for shortlisting results.
5 Coordinate with campus to determine site visits and interview dates.
6 Send letters to shortlisted consultants notifying them of project scope and construction cost limitation (CCL), mandatory site visit, interview dates, fee, etc. (See Sample - consultant Interview letters on BOR 'S' Drive.) Respond to interview notification letter with requested materials within the prescribed time schedule.
7 Organize and host mandatory site visit. Attend mandatory site visit.
8 Convene selection committee to conduct interviews and make final selection. (See Sample- consultant Selection Score Sheet on BOR 'S' Drive) Participate on selection committee. Attend interview.
9 Submit final selection results to Vice Chancellor for approval.
10 Submit for Board approval, if applicable.
11 Post final QBS results on BOR website and notify shortlisted consultants of QBS results. Check website for final QBS results.
12 Notify consultants of selection results. Solicit fee proposal from selected consultant if applicable. Respond to request and submit materials within the prescribed time schedule.
13 Prepare, award and forward contract to consultant. BOR Contract Sign and forward contract to campus for signature.
14 Sign and forward contract to BOR for final execution.
15 Execute contract and forward copies to campus and consultant.


1 Send invoice to campus for approval and payment. Include the comparative project schedule with each invoice. See BPPM: App. 3 M for Memorandum Regarding Project Schedule Preparation by the Design Professional.
2 Review BPPM: App. 3 O, Procedure for Review & Approval by Campus of Invoices for Design Professionals. Verify information as shown on checklist. (Do not approve unless project schedule has been received.) Record on Design Professional Accounting Record. (See BPPM: App. 3 Q.)
3 After approval, send payment to Design Professional or consultant. For GSFIC projects, send invoice & cover letter to GSFIC for payment citing appropriate bond funds. (See App. 3 Sample Letters.)
4 Send copy of approved invoice and required comparative schedule to BOR Facilities office. Include a cover letter addressing project conformance with the schedule.
5 Upon receipt of copy of invoice and schedule, update ProTrak System. Require and initiate corrective action for any schedule concerns.
NOTE: For invoices on projects within campus delegated authority, the Campus reviews, approves and pays consultants in accordance with appropriate procedures.

Memorandum to Campus

NOTE: The contract forms in this manual are the only forms approved by the state Attorney General's office for use on any campus projects, including projects within the delegated authority of the campus.

Memorandum to Design Professional

Mandatory Site Visit: The intent of the site visit is to inform the interviewees about the scope of the project, the project site and the interview process. The agenda for the meeting will be as shown in App. 3 T. Topics to be covered are general information about the Board of Regents procedures, lines of communication, the project budget and fees offered. Any concerns about fees should be brought up at or before this meeting and in all instances must be addressed prior to Interviews taking place.

The Project Kick-Off Meeting: The Project Kick-Off Meeting is convened by the Board of Regents Program Manager and held at the Board of Regents. The agenda for the meeting will be as shown in Appendix 3 U.